Monday, May 4, 2009


We had FHE at the memorial to the victory of World War II. It was quite an impressive monument. The city is so beautiful this time of year with the grass green, sky blue, and trees in bloom.

This is an impressive looking group!!!

Some of my favorite "Belorussians"

The Spiritual Thought for the evening.

The Young Volunteers were teaching the kids in the branch how to play American Football. How do you like that for an action shot??


mandy said...

How fun to be outside in nicer weather. Are they Star Trek fans or do the hand signals mean something else?

Max and Deanna said...

That said they had something to do with Ninja Turtles???

Nina said...

The weather looks like it has changed for the better.

The Hurd Herd said...

Really nice weather! Do they always wear the scarfs when they do spiritual thoughts, does that have some meaning, or did they just wear them?

Randy and Susan Landon said...

You are much greener there than we are here. Enjoy. I see you are in Levis Good job.