Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Linda's husband passed away Sept 8, 1948. We attended the funeral in Shelley Saturday. They were living in Missouri at the time of his death. He was only 60 years old.

A lot of the family were able to be there to support here. It was a nice tribute to a good man that has raised a good family.

The four remaining brothers. Billy, Lester, Max, and Rex.


The Hurd Herd said...

Who is Linda's husband?

Ryan + Angie said...

1948? He has been dead a long time to just have had the funeral on Sat. :) It's nice the whole family could get together.

Max and Deanna said...

Wow I don't know where I got that date!!! Linda's husband is Dennis. I really don't think you kids met them. The always lived too far away to come to the reunions.

mandy said...

I love your typos--they are the best. I'm glad that Dad could get together with his family, even if it was a sad occasion.

Mary Anne said...

I think those kind of typos run in the family. I am glad that Tom looked pasted my typos when we were getting to know each other through email.