Friday, November 14, 2008

Finished Projects

This is the November Door Doodle. I can't believe I've made one of these for each month of the year. (Don't ask me why the word Gobble is done in white on a white background).

A close up showing a little more detail.

This is a video because my camera was set wrong and it's the only shot I didn't delete. (It's hard to be me sometimes.)


The Hurd Herd said...

That is cute!

Mary Anne said...

My gosh, you are really working hard. I can't believe you have one of those for each month. That sounds like something I would start and never finish.

mandy said...

I like it. I think it is white on white because it is a very subtle turkey--no yelling Gobble for him.

And the video thing? I do that ALL the time!

Ryan + Angie said...

Very cute. What a great project.