Friday, March 12, 2010


Lena from the "Vitbsk Prepective" a local newspaper invited us to her home for lunch after the interview. He husband had fixed some soup and we shared the sandwiches and potato salad I had made. They live on the 5th floor of their apartment building--with no elevator. (Good things we've been practicing stair climbing!). He is a doctor and specializes in trauma therapy. They have one daughter, Masha. They are members of the Orthodox church but had lots of questions about what we believe. Max gave her a Proclamation on the Family and Sergie shared with them his testimony. They have invited us back and we hope to give them more church literature at that time. You never know when a humanitarian project can turn into a chance to share the gospel.

After lunch entertainment!!


The Hurd Herd said...

It is so great that you get opportunities like that. Any little plug for the gospel!

mandy said...

That's kind of exciting, isn't it?

Randy and Susan Landon said...

You have had some great experiences. i like her singing.