Monday, March 15, 2010

Birthday Celebration

It's customary in Belarus that the one celebrating the birthday bring the cake. Sergie bought a delicious chocolate cake with sour cream filling made by his wife to share with us and celebrate his birthday. It was delicious!!
Sergie having fun on his birthday--stealing bites from Sister Ionia and having chocolate on his mouth!!!
Then we all sing Happy Birthday in English and get a rare group photo with Sergie in it. Usually he insists on being the one that takes the picture.

Sister Ionia, Natasha, Deanna, Sergie, Elder Vernon, Sister Werner, and down in front Elder Cecil. (who, sad to say, is leaving this next transfer, he's been a great assest to the missioanry work in this area).


mandy said...

Happy birthday to Sergei!

Randy and Susan Landon said...

I like that tradition.