Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Road Trip to Bryest and Grodno Regions

Our Road Trip this week was to the Bryest and Grodno Regions.

Already to go...Sergie driving, Max riding shot gun, and me in the back with my camera and kindle.

I was wondering at one point if we were going to make it through all this snow. But Sergie is a good driver and the van just plowed right through.

They have these little stores in every city we have gone to--big or small.

You go to this little window and ask the clerk for whatever you want. We don't shop there much because "the point and smile" mention of communication doesn't work too well in this situation. But as you can see they have anything from stickers to gum, to shampoo... if only a person knew how to say those things in Russian.


mandy said...

You make me smile. I like picturing you in the back with your camera & Kindle.

The Hurd Herd said...

Hannah could not believe that they have stickers all the way in Belarus!!!

Arthur V. / Gene D. W. said...

Beautiful pictures

Randy and Susan Landon said...

The one road looks a little tight. I am glad you made it.