Thursday, January 28, 2010

Brest Wheelchair Distribution Ceremony

Max and I were both interviews by different television stations. It was my first time and I was a little nervous. It's hard to think when the put a micro-phone to your mouth. Max is always good at that kind of stuff, but this one particular news reporter wanted to interview me. My easiest question, "Tell us about your family."

The young volunteers help by interviewing some of the recepients. Here is Elder Cecil translulating the form from Russian to English. Back at the office I type a small biography of each recepient and post their picture on a report we send to Salt Lake City.

Some of the faces we met and helped that day.

She performed in a little skit and was busy in the craft room making gifts. They gave us a tree made of beads and a book with pictures of the Brest Region.


The Hurd Herd said...

It is amazing to think qabout how many people you help! And to think there are people all over the world helping other people! Our church is amazing!

Ryan + Angie said...

I'm impressed with all the work you are doing...and the fact you are getting famous doing it! :)

mandy said...

I would love to see your interview! Too bad they don't broadcast those things here.

Randy and Susan Landon said...

You two are helping so many people and the church exposure also. What an experience for you.