Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Wax Museum Visit

We visited a wax museum which is located close to our apartment. It only cost the two of us $4.92. Some entertainment is very inexpensive.

Some of the figures we didn't recognize and we couldn't read the Russian signs but...

Some we did.
These are the three "great powers" that signed the treaty ending World War II. Churchhill, Stalin, and President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
A close up of President Roosevelt
Vladimir Putin 2nd President of Russia now the Prime Minister of Russia

Milhail Corbechev

Do you recognize one of these guys????


mandy said...

That wax museum is a little different than the ones I've seen here. Where's Michael Jackson? Marilyn Monroe? I do have to say that last guy is surprisingly life-like.

The Hurd Herd said...

I think that wax museums are kind of freaky...this one especially!! That last guy is WAY scary!! Just teasing. I love to see pictures of you guys.

Nina said...

They have a wax figure of Max already? You guys must be doing a great job there.

Randy and Susan Landon said...

You better watch out Max will end up at the wax museum.

Ryan + Angie said...

I'm like Abby. Wax museums freak me out. Scary! The last guy wasn't too bad.