Friday, October 30, 2009

Sight from Saturday's Stroll

The weather this past Saturday was still nice enough to take a walk, so we decided we better visit some more sights of the city. (My Blog is like a trip that just never ends!!) This is the military building and theater. It looked like from the advertisement in the front they were all plays--which I would love to go to, but it would be a little hard to enjoy if you couldn't understand a word they were saying.

This says, ....(something) theater and Belarussian Army

This is a government building where President Lushanka's office is located. I quickly took a picture when the guard had his back turned.

We found a fun place where people were selling things that had made. Lots of artists had their painting for sell, a little hand sewing, and this lady made dolls. She is holding the one I bought. You can tell from her coats that the weather was pretty cold.
This limo was parked in front of the catholic church waiting for the wedding party to come out. It's so long it almost looked fake to me.
This fancy building is actually a....

WC (bathroom). Fancy on the outside gross on the inside. Actually we didn't go inside, but I haven't found a public restroom in this country I would want to use unless I really needed to.

This is a tree just outside our apartment complex. We are waiting to go inside because there was a very drunk young man trying to get inside and he was having a very hard time. Finally a man came out and "gently" had him step aside so we and another girl could go inside. He was so drunk when he tried to step down the one small step we have, he fell on his back. Some of those situations are so sad. Sergie said when he went to the hospital to get some stitches most of the patients were drunks that had been picked up off the streets. Alcohol is definatedly Satan's tool of ruining a person's life. But doesn't Max make a striking pose.


Nina said...

Max is very "striking". It looks like Fall has arrived where you are at. I can see why you would be taking all the walks you can at this time. We finally got a head of the snow on our trip and had some warm temperatures in Albuquerque NM.

Randy and Susan Landon said...

Your blog is so interesting. You guys are having quite the experiences and do such a great work at the same time. i am so impressed.

Ryan + Angie said...

You are so brave to take a picture when the guard turned. I bet dad was very nervous about that! :)