Ryan our son-in-law has been in Elder and Sister Bednar's home with his job. He called them to share the news of our mission call. Then Susan Bednar called me to congratulate us on our call to Russia. Her and Elder Bednar had visited there last November and just loved the people. She did say it was cold there in November. We visited about our children and how they were doing. She has a son that graduated from BYU the same time Mandy and Adam did and she also has a son Abby's age. We had such a nice visit--it was very kind of her to take the time to call. I have always been impressed with her since the time she came to me in McDonalds a day after a reception at the college where she had met hundreds of people and asked me to remind her what my name was, that she remembers meeting me and apologized for not remembering my name. I was impressed she even remembered my face. She was there eating with her son and I was there eating with Abby. We've crossed paths several time as her husband served as President of the college and again at the temple open house after he was called to be a General Authority.
That's a pretty cool contact! :)
You are practically famous now.
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