Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Balls, balls, and more balls

Finished all the stuffed balls for a Humanitarian Project. It was a team effort. I sewed a bunch of them together. Travis' scout group and his little girls stuffed them. And then I hand stitched the openings. I wished a would of counted how many there were--but they filled a large garbage bag full.


Travis and Melissa said...

Thanks for doing that it was a good project for the boys to do.

mandy said...

Maybe they could just send you on a mission where you make balls for kids while sitting in a nice place.

Ryan + Angie said...

I like Mandy's idea. Maybe that would work out for you. :)

The Hurd Herd said...

Hannah keeps asking, "When we get a house can we make more balls like grandma and sell them for money?" You really made an impression!