Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Our new adventure

We find there is always challenges when you begin a mission.  We lost two bags out of the back of the car, my iPad sound is all messed up, and Max had to have a crown replaced the day before we leave.  We are blessed to have a good son willing to send what we want and I can live with out the rest and a dentist that was willing to fix Max's tooth on a Sunday.

Funny how it seems we need so much more to serve 12 months in Canada than we needed to serve 18 months in Belarus. 
We were retained at the border for about an hour waiting to receive our year visa. We met a border guard that was LDS and had served a mission in France.  We knew we would get in with no problems. Apparently three of the border patrols were members of the church.  


mandy said...

I'm excited to get your updates!

Mary Anne said...

Oh no, I didn't expect you to loose bags while you were driving up.

Randy and Susan Landon said...

No fun loosing bags and things.