Friday, January 18, 2013

Our First Excursion

Our first stop was the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers Museum. Then we visited the pond where hundreds of the local Indians were baptized when St. George was being settled. Our guide was Brother McAuther, the owner of the RV park, and his great-grandfather was one of the men doing the baptizing. While Max was golfing I went to the Relief Society's lunch and program spotlighting the book Chicken Soup for the Soul. Joyce Wade, my sister-in-law--Bill's wife, is the branch Relief Society President. In the evening we played a little Bingo. (But neither Max or I won a game!) A typical Snowbird Day.


Travis and Melissa said...

I hope you are having fun. I am excited for you and dad on your new adventure.

Randy and Susan Landon said...

Adventures are always fun. i think you will like it there. Enjoy the warmer weather than we are having. At least no snow on the ground.