Thursday, September 30, 2010

Kayla's Kool Kolors

I visited by daughter in Logan and helped her do some projects in their new home.
These are my two "helpers"
Makayla's room went from tan to green--isn't it pretty!! We also fixed the broken drawer, but I took a picture before the drawer was put back in the dresser.

And here is the "mommy" who isn't probably too happy with me right now for 2 reason.
1. That I put her picture on my post and 2. the name of this post.
(But I like them both!!)


Ryan + Angie said...

And such a flattering picture it is...Thanks so much for coming and helping out. You are the best!

mandy said...

Love the green paint & really LOVE the yellow sweater!

The Hurd Herd said...

I really love the green too!! I also agree that mom is the best!

Randy and Susan Landon said...

The room looks great and so does Angie. I like that you posted. I did not know if we would have to send you back to Belarus to get a post.