Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Running is Fun???

These people think so. Adam, Ethan, Abby, and Courtney (Chad's sister) ran in the 4th of July 3K. Adam ran it in record time. All of them finished, which in my eyes makes them all winners!!! Mandy has been training to run in it, but has a leg injury and was unable to run.


mandy said...

Thanks for posting the pictures! It is fun to see them. Although in the interest of correctness I have to point out that it was a 5k & in the interest of pride I also have to say I hurt my back while training for a half marathon. There, I feel better. :)

Ryan + Angie said...

I'm glad someone thinks its fun because I just can't force myself to do it. I need to claim injury like Mandy but I think mine is in my head. :)

The Hurd Herd said...

I don't know if fun is exactly the word I would use, but I am glad I did it!