Thursday, July 15, 2010

Orphan Kittens

Max, Mandy, and Abby found some kittens that had been left along the rode. When the brought them home I thought they were dead. Well we fed them milk with a syringe and they revived. After about three days they were eating lunch meat and lapping milk by themselves. The grand kids fell in love with them. Mandy took them home to take care of until they could find a suitable home. They found a family with 5 daughters living on a farm that were willing to take them. That was one stipulation--they could not be split. I don't know what all those cats had been through before we started taking care of them--but they seem to be pretty protective of each other. I understand there were a few tears shed when the new owner came to pick up the kittens. But they learned a great humanitarian lesson--taking care of orphans.


mandy said...

SO cute. It ALMOST makes me sad to have them gone!

Randy and Susan Landon said...

What a fun project to watch your grankids do. Kittens are so cute.