Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Health Fairs and Missionary Work

The Sisters went with us to Vityebsk to present a puppet show on healthy living in this public library.

Sister Werner and Sister Oaks

Max and Sergie carrying out the trunk holding the puppet show supplies.

But there is no rest--the sisters are scheduled to visit with the members of the church in Vityebsk and we are on to visit a Day Care Center for adults with handicapps.

(They work while I sit in the van and take picture--but someone has got to do it---right!!)


mandy said...

They look like nice girls. I'm sure they are really going to miss you!

Randy and Susan Landon said...

You guys are working to the very end. Does Serge have you lined up something Thursday evening?

Nina said...

The pictures are very important to us back home. Thank you for keeping up your bolg for your full mission. I know I have enjoyed everyone of your posts.