Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Fun Shots

With each road trip I keep thinking I won't find something new to take pictures of. Wrong!! I found some fun shots on our trip to the Grodna Region this past week.

I like this pictures with the leaves on the trees starting to bloom and the church steeple in the background.

Grodna is near the border of Poland and Sergei said these "fancy" stroller are purchased in that country.

Most cities have a statue of Lenin, but this was the first statue we've seen of Stalin.

These Orthodox church and huge and built out of brick....

then covered with a plaster and painted white.
We see churches being built or remodeled all over the country of Belarus. Some day we hope to see a Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints built in this country.


Nina said...

Great pictures. I will be sad when you leave because there will be no more Belarus pictures. But I am happy for you because you will be able to see your family.

mandy said...

I love those strollers.

The Hurd Herd said...

I looks like you could do some major "off roading" with those strollers! Do they like Stalin there?