Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sights around Minsk

On Belarus' Memorial Day we decided to ride Bus 63, just to see where it went. It didn't go very far until it "was the end of the line" and we had to get off. Walking back to our apartment we saw more of the beautiful city of Minsk.
Entance to Minsk City

Rememberance from "Soviet Times"

The flowers are starting to bloom.

Posing with a statue or two.

(Do you think that umberella is doing her much good?)

(Wish I had those skinny legs!!)


mandy said...

Wow. Even our statues are fatter in America. Haha.

The Hurd Herd said...

Ha ha ha! Mom you are so funny!

Nina said...

Glad to see you are out and about.

Randy and Susan Landon said...

Minsk looks like a beautiful town. I am always impressed with how clean it looks. So many interesting things to see. You guys look good with the statues.