Monday, April 12, 2010

Road Trip Sightings

We pulled up to this vehicle loaded with the twig broom the ladies use here to sweep the sidewalks, lawns, and flower beds. When we first saw them we were not impressed--but have since found out they really work great.

Then when he made the turn we noticed he had plans to make several more brooms. If they were not so hard to bring home in my suitcase--I would really like to have one to sweep up leaves. They work great on cigarette butts (which we count our blessing everyday we don't have to mess with.)


Nina said...

That is an amazing load. There seam to be such large contrasts in that country.

mandy said...

Carry it on the plane!

P.S. Please bring me one, too.

Ryan + Angie said...

Are you sure you can't bring some home? I know I could use one.