Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year's Eve Fun

We invited the Elders and the Sisters and Lena over for New Year's Eve Party. We served spaghetti, which Elder Cecil (our only American Elder) said tasted like home, a toss salad made by Max, and banana splits; but only Elder Minikov and myself ate because the rest of them didn't think it sounded so great. They did like the ice cream with nuts and toppings, just didn't want the banana. Elder Cecil had definitely heard of banana splits, but he doesn't like bananas. So we have a lot of bananas to eat this next week. I see banana nut bread in the future!!

Elder Cecil, Sister Lavrentyeva, Elder Minikov

Elder Minikov and Lena

Sister Ionia and Lena

Sister Lavrentyeva


Randy and Susan Landon said...

I am first for once. Is Mandy okay? I think it is great the way she is always on top of things so quick. Looks like a fun evening. i wish i could have just stopped by for the night. I love banana splits.

mandy said...

You, too, can be "on top of things" if you read blogs on your Blackberry in bed. It's all about being lazy & unable to sleep in!

Nina said...

Who does not like banana splits? They are the best. What happened to Mandy? I'm going to her blog now.

Ryan + Angie said...

I would enjoy a banana split right now...or some banana bread...I guess I should have eaten a better breakfast.

The Hurd Herd said...

Banana splits are great! Wish I could have joined you!