Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Frosty Road Trips

When its so cold--this is my view "from a moving van"

But inside (with our coats on) we stay warm. These are the "young volunteers" that help us at wheelchair distributions.

Brest's soccer stadium, I liked the soccer (football).

These buildings added a little color to a winter black and white world.

Every city has its large statues and memorials. We didn't stop so I'm not sure what it is--but they looked like priests.


The Hurd Herd said...

Oh...that looks so cold! I think I have been using the baby as an excuse to avoid the cold weather this year! I do not like it!

mandy said...

Seriously! It makes me cold just looking at the pictures. We have NO snow here so I will have to live vicariously through you.

Nina said...

Those are some very cold looking pictures you posted this time. They do seem to add a lot of color to their buildings. Maybe that helps take away from the cold.

Randy and Susan Landon said...

It looks so cold there but your van riders do look happy.