Friday, December 4, 2009

"Enough of the Castle--already!!"

OK!! Some fun "parting shots." You can't see a dungeon without the modern convenience of lights and electrical wires.

Notice how small this armor is. Sister Holmes is a tiny lady and it's smaller than her.

Just outside the residence is a war memorial with an eternal flame.

Along the road was this witch and for a price you can take her picture. We had taken the picture and were leaving before Sergei told us that is what the sign said. So much for not knowing the language!!


Randy and Susan Landon said...

Sounds like you might end up in the stocks for taking the wrong pictures without paying. Be careful.

mandy said...

Is the witch a real person in a costume?

I really like your door shot. Very artistic.

Nina said...

So the witch was just sitting there with a sign to pay for taking pictures? That seems very trusting.