Monday, November 9, 2009

Project Openings

Thursday we visited two diffent Retirement Homes for the Elderly and Handicapped in two different villages.

The first was Orsha. Each city has it's own unique sign. Established in 1067 it's the oldest city in Belarus.

The next was Syennyensky Territorial Center in the Syenno District. Luckily Sergie our driver reads Russian and knows where he is going.

Of course there is a church in every village....

interesting old homes...

and large government buildings. This is where we had our meeting with the Assistant to the Chair of the Committe of the Labor, Employment, and Social Protection of the Vitesbyk Region. That quite the title. We also met with the Director of the Territorial Center. They were both very nice, professional women. Their families are small each lady only had one child and they were very impressed when we tell them we have five children and 15 grand children. (We count the one that is almost here!!)

We had to wait for this long, slow train carrying gas I thought maybe from Russia but Sergie said it was going to wrong way. There is a controvery right now about gas going across Belarus from Russia to Ukraine.

The funny thing is we visited the Retirement Home then on our way back to had to wait for another very long slow moving train. There were probably 30 vehicles waiting before we could finally cross the tracks.


The Hurd Herd said...

It must be interesting to see all of those different towns! We are glad that you count our little one in your group!

Nina said...

You do have interesting things going on on your mission. I hope your hot water problems have been solved. I think no hot water would be so hard to deal with. Congratulations on almost 15 grand kids.

mandy said...

1067? That makes America seem like a baby, doesn't it?

Ryan + Angie said...

I bet you never imagined all these experiences you would be having. Thanks for sharing.

Randy and Susan Landon said...

I love all the pictures that you send. It is so interesting.