Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Roads...

Our travels our very interesting. We start out on a four lane road going out of the city of Minsk and then sometimes....

it gets smaller...

and smaller....
until we are actually driving on cobble stone.

But we ended up in the neatest little village of...

Where we asked this sweet little lady for directions to the Retirement Home.
Nailed to this old wooden building in the village was a....

mail receptacle.


mandy said...

I love this! When we were in China I liked visiting the countryside MUCH better than the cities.

The Hurd Herd said...

That is way cool with the cobblestone!

Ryan + Angie said...

You are definitely seeing some unique sights.

Randy and Susan Landon said...

Do any of the old ladies have teeth anymore?

Nina said...

"We ask for direction" I assume this is the "Royal We" or your Russian has gotten a lot better. I love the experiences you are having.