Friday, October 23, 2009

Harvest Time

Harvest is almost done in Belarus. Each Saturday during October they have a Farmer's Market just done from our apartment. People are carrying out peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage, and carrots by the sacks.

This is in the shape of the Country of Belarus. Minsk is about in the middle of the apples.

I'm trying to figure out how much to pay her.

We don't buy much fish--actually none. But they are fresh--they are still wiggling in the buckets.

Truckloads of Sugar Beets (reminded me of driving truck for Dad during the harvest)

Harvesting the cabbage. One person is lining them up so the machine can pick up the heads of cabbage and dump them into a truck.

Another field they just had people throwing them into the truck.


mandy said...

That map is awesome.

Nina said...

Those are some big beet trucks. They must use machines to load trucks that size. It's amazing to see the range of methods of farming they use there.

Rachel said...

I love these open markets you shop at. We went to one in Seattle and I thought it would be great to shop at.

The Hurd Herd said...

It looks like it is getting cold there!

Ryan + Angie said...

I can't believe they have someone line up the cabbages. Crazy!