Thursday, October 8, 2009

Final Moscow--Promise!!

Our trip there was such an "I can't believe I'm in Mowcow" thing I took a lot of pictures I want to share and remember. But like I promised this will be the last post about our Moscow week-end.

Gum Department Store, that was owned by the government durning Soviet Times. It is huge with over 200 high-end stores. During Soviet times only the rich could afford to shop there--I'm not so sure it is much different now.

We enjoyed seeing the ballet "Don Quoite." The man in the front dressed in black was amazying; jumping in the air like a basketball player, but he would land a lot softer and spin a few more time in mid-air.

This is how they would display (in the halls) the dresses for little girls at the Gum Department Store. I would of loved to buy one of these for each of my grand daughters!! But they were very expensive and I think maybe only the little ones would even wear them.

Inside St. Basilia's Cathedral.

Wish you were here!!

These singers inside the Cathedral were amazying and "lucky" for us they were selling their CD, which we bought. Listen especially for how low the base singer goes. It really had a neat sound inside the cathedral.


mandy said...

Such beautiful pictures. Those dresses are gorgeous.

The Hurd Herd said...

How beautiful...the dresses, the pictures, and the singing!

Randy and Susan Landon said...

You can send more from Russia if you want. I love it. I wish I was there also. I love to see new places.

Randy and Susan Landon said...

Max I am impressed at all the Ballet's you are going to !!!!!