Monday, October 12, 2009

Color me Autumn

We always enjoy our road trips to close a Humanitarian project.

We see colorful fences....

colorful houses.....

colorful trees....

and colorful people.

This man was 80 years old and had such a great sense of humor. Max wished so badly he could of visited with him in his native tongue. The church donated to the Territorial Center of this district a large roto-tiller that is used to plow the gardens of the elderly. When Max asked him if they did a good job he said, "Well I won't say it's perfect. We can't forget the past and how good horses are. Rain and mud won't stop a horse. I'd do it myself if I hadn't just had surgery. I'm a strong man and my dad was a strong man living until he was 90 years old." He had a huge garden spot which I'm sure keeps him very busy.

The roter-tiller, which they call a motor-block, was donated by the church. The Mass Media was also covering the project closing, thus the camera man in the background.


mandy said...

I really like the berry picture. Fall is so great.

The Hurd Herd said...

There seems to be media at many of your projects...that is good for the church!

Ryan + Angie said...

I don't want to roto-till my garden and I'm not nearly 80. I love your color theme.

Nina said...

I liked the picture of the back of the truck. Because we get a lot of pictures like that on our trips. I know you took pictures of the colors but I can't see the colors so I like the truck. Tell Mandy I'm sory we did not stop.

Randy and Susan Landon said...

I love the colors. What a variety. The old man reminds me of dad.