Friday, June 12, 2009

People Watching

After shopping at Komaroski Renick
and while waiting for our bus we did a little people watching. They are not taken from a moving van but they are taken with a hidden camera. Actually the camera was sitting in my lap and I was just randoning shooting pictures of interest.
They sell lotto ticket on the street, cold weather and all.
This nun just finished sitting on the street with a collection box.
A homeless man (I'm guessing). Some of them are in much worse shape than him. I especially feel sorry for the women. They come on the street with their faces all beat up. I'm hoping they don't get hit just to get more sympathy. The wounds sometimes don't even look like they've been washed.
And lots of pigeons.


mandy said...

You are very sneaky. These are fun to see!

Randy and Susan Landon said...

I like seeing the people. We missed you in New York.