Thursday, March 19, 2009

Minsk Wheelchair Distribution

These are three of the fifteen wheel chair recepients at Berizino a small village in the Minsk Oblast. There was a small program: the young volunteers and Lena sang "Love at Home" and Max gave a short speech explaining where the chairs come from. Then Sergie explains how the wheel chairs work. A young girl dance and another man in a wheel chair sang a song. Refreshments of cookies, tea (which we can not accept) and water with gas (which we do not like the taste of) was served. Also had a chance to visit with more of the people who are helped at that particular territorial center for handicap children and adults. Everyone was so nice and so appreciative of the wheel chairs that were donated. There are some neat people in Belarus that put in a lot of time and effort to take care of those less fortunate. It's a blessing for Max and I to be a small part of such a great program.

Vladeslay--11 years old (For the program he shared a poem he had memorized) His Dad was pretty proud of him.

Stanislav Skolatoviz 80 years old

Egor Kostel 33 years old


Mary Anne said...

That is way awesome! You guys are doing great stuff!!!!!

Max and Deanna said...

That looks like Barbara Walters doing and interview.

mandy said...

You do look pretty professional there. What a neat part of your job.