Sunday, March 1, 2009

Dinner Party

We decided a good way to get to know the members of the branch is to invite them for dinner, which is a problem if they don't speak English. So we started out with The Timofyeyv family because the mother teaches English.

I provided pictures about Joseph Smith receiving the Golden Plates and it was fun to listen to them tell the story in Russian--the only words we understood were Joseph Smith and Moroni, but you could tell they definatedly knew the story. The members are few in number but very strong in their testimonies of the gospel.

Isn't it fun to hear them sing in Russian. They all have beautiful voices--even the little boy--when he stood still long enough to sing. A typical five year old. He reminded me of Hayden--not interesting in "girly" things such as singing.


Chad said...

They seem like a nice family. What did you feed them? American style or Russian style food?

mandy said...

Amazing to hear those young kids speak Russian. Ha ha. It is fun to see pictures of your house and see such a nice family.

Ryan + Angie said...

I think I need to do that with my ward. Maybe we could make some new friends that way too. :)

The Hurd Herd said...

That is really fun. We were supposed to have the missionaries over for dinner on Sunday, but they stood us up!

Randy and Susan Landon said...

You guys are doing so good. I appreciate your updates. What a service you are performing